Monday 14 November 2011

Intertexual References - Phoenix

We have a range of different different intertexual references within our music video that is represented throughout our overall theme, and is  represented in our poster, album cover also. One of our references links to the marvel characters Jean Grey, who inhabits that entity known as the Phoenix, and we wanted to include that sort of element connoting a struggle of power that helped to reinforce that element of fire. Furthermore this would help to relate back to our target audience who would have grown up with these comics and therefore create a unique demographic within our audience and appeal to them in a way that the genre may not have originally done. These are some examples of this Phoenix, and it will show some the elements that we liked. Images are courtesy of Marvel Comics:

There are various elements that we wish to incorporate within our poster and digipak. Some of these consist of that fire, anger and passion that is shown in a calm environment with a central destructive focus; these things can be seen in the second and third image. In addition to create a further sense of realism we wanted try and add a person within the main image, and have the phoenix rising out of them to make our themes of aggression and fury more personal to the audience. Furthermore I wanted to try an incorporate that rave and club elements which connotes freedom and exploration, which the Phoenix helps to represent. We wanted to make to fully place these themes in our poster and digipak and have more conceptual theme in our music video.

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