Monday 14 November 2011

Intertexual Refrences - Inception

Another one of the references being made within our music video is towards the critically acclaimed film Inception. Due to the fact that within in our video we want it to have this "eye within an eye" theme that corresponds to Inceptions "dream within a dream". In addition we took that element of one thing inside another creating a further sense of depth that can be used to amplify that personal feeling of passion, anger and fury. Furthermore the film its self had heavy emphasis on visual effects and linked them to perceptions of the mind and also influenced us to have a heavy emphasis on emotions and the ways in which we would portray those emotions to the audience. Therefore it caused us to create a conceptual theme to not only to make it aesthetically attractive but find a unique way of exploring these emotions. In addition some of the highly destructive and cinematic moments such as when the city scope begins to fold over is similar to how dramatic we want the scenes within our music video to be. Some of the images that have influenced us are down below:

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