Friday 2 December 2011

28/11/11 - 2/12/11 Week Post

Throughout this we really tried to insure that we could finish off all the pre-production tasks in order to move forward into production. On Monday we went around and gathered some of the potential characters that would be within our music video and had a cast selection in order to see which roles fitted which person best. As well as doing that we had Scott take the green screen and take pictures with various people hands for our album cover and possibly our poster, and consisted of female and male models. This was so that there was a large selection to be able to pick from to see which ones looked best in the chosen position. Once he had taken around several people’s hands he went back to the mac room to be able to begin working on it. One of our peers that said he could help us get a gym came back and informed us that they weren't too keen on being filmed and therefore I then had to search for some boxing clubs within the area. I found one at Balham Triangle and after speaking to him on the phone he didn't seem to keen and said he's get back to us. However not to sound unappreciative we don't have time to wait for them to make their mind up. Therefore I had to call several other boxing gym and all weren't too keen on it. As we progressed throughout the week our boxing theme proved to prove to be difficult and in order for us not to be held back any further we decided to at least film the initial part of our music video on Thursday, which required Jubel to jog down a road as we were still keen on our gym/boxing idea. It proved to be a lot harder to do that it should and we filmed from various shots and angles to give us a variation to work with. On Friday we had to then begin reconsidering our boxing concept and began to think that we could use some of the previous props used within our thriller but use them in a different way, and really focus on the conceptual elements to represent the boxing theme rather than illustrating it in a literal manner. Next week we intend on filming the band as well as the Zeniths fire scene.

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