Wednesday 7 December 2011

2nd Shoot 07/12/11

Below are images of a new concept that we tried to incorporate into our music video to reinforce our conceptual scenarios are try to link back to. It was a very productive day and filmed a lot of scenes and there is also a lot of glitter.

This photo shows us testing out the lighting and the way that we could potentially use that to distort the background clutter and create a professional mise en scene. We used numerous red lights and captured images from various angles to see which worked best as well as create the best visual effect.

This image depicts use moving the instruments into the right position in front of our home made background, which consisted of a plain white board. We wanted to place it there to hide both the clutter that was originally in that location but also contain the lighting.

 When it came to putting our glitter idea into practice it proved to be a little more difficult because of the fact that we were unsure of the amount of glitter to use in order to create the glowing dramatic effect that we wanted. In addition we had to play around with the composition of the glitter but also the position of the lighting and camera in order to figure out what looked best on screen. Below you shall see the gradual progression as we began achieving our goal.

Furthermore we then expanded on our glitter idea by finding ways in which we could potentially make this scene potentially be used as the introduction for our music video. In order to create this effect we created a trail of glitter leading up to the band area and used a flashing LED light in order to create the distorted effect. Once again the images below show our gradual progression by finding numerous ways film it. We decided not to use to doll that is seen in the last image due to the fact that it didn't seem creepy enough but quite girly, and failed to create that unique style we tried to incorporate.


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