Friday 9 December 2011

5/12/11 - 9/12/11 Week Post

Initial Failure
 Monday was the worst day in the world because nothing went right, which eventually resulted in a massive breakdown of the group. On Monday we intended on filming Zenith's fire scene, as well as our initial film shoot. We attempted to organise the band scene but it all fell apart as we couldn't find a suitable location to film but both of our actor no longer felt comfortable being a part of it. Furthermore when trying to use test shots we realised that our mise en scene has poor surroundings as it was cluttered but also our initial idea wasn't practical enough thus making that period of time pointless. We also argued about some of the ways in which we could alter the idea, which eventually resulted in a breakdown of the group structure and all filming halted. Whilst in an attempt to piece us back together none of us were in the frame of mind to try and potentially fix the issue.

Minor success
 After our slight breakdown Jubel and Scott then went searching for an effective way to insure that we could film in our desired location without actually seeing all of the clutter in our mise en scene. They eventually found a large white back drop that was easy enough to move and covered the entire area. Unintentionally it seemed quite professional despite it being a 'quick fix' and proved to work well when we tried to create various lighitng effects. Whilst this was a minor success it dealt with one of our many problems.

More failure
 Around four in the afternoon we intended on filming Zenith's fire spinning act. We went to Wandsworth Common and waited for 45 minutes in the freezing cold as he failed to even set fire to the balls and apparently it was due to the fact that they had not been fully burnt in the paraffin properly. Throughout the ordeal I had taken over 30 images on the camera to try and at least have evidence of the shoot; however once we got back to school in order to upload the images none of them were there and had apparently not saved properly. We  then arranged with Zenith to refilm some his fire scene again the following day as well as the boxerobics on Friday

New inspiration
 We came back on Tuesday motivated attempting to alter our idea in order to make it creative yet practicle, which then resulted in us sitting down as a group discussing what was capable of being filmed and what wasn't. We decided to make the primary focus of our video conceptual in comparison to the performance and led to the decision of no longer having a vocalist, which allowed us to then go back to some of our intial idea and try to portay the video from more of a stylist angle. Therefore we decided to keep the boxing idea but just represent it as aforementioned in a more stylstic manner which introduced some narrative elements and there would be a consistent thread throughout the video.

 Furthermore we planned on redoing the band shoot but approach it in a different manner and decided to use more materials such as glitter which now plays a large role within music video but also help to make the performance segments seem more visually interesting. In addition we intended on  using different types of lighting in order accentuate the glitter even more but also create this professional finish.

2nd Shoot
 On the Wednesday we successfully set up the band scenario but had to go through a long process of testing various shots as the glitter effect that we were hoping for didn’t seem to initially work. Therefore we had to change the intensity and position of lighting as well as film it in a way that looked as professional as possible. This consisted of us using a variation in lighting equipments as well as creating new ways of positioning them with a low budget.

3rd Shoot
On friday we finally went to this boxerobics club which we had been informed about by a friend. However the way in which we had imagined it to be was far from what we expected but due to the fact that we were running out of ideas to try and incorporate our boxing iidea we thought that we'd just go with it just in case anything useful came out of it. We arrived there and lets say it didnt have the best possible mise en scene as it was in some ugly brown gymnasium that had only a few punching bags and a massive net. We tried to really confine the boxer to an constricted area so that we could potentially get the effect we wanted without actually seeing any of the clutter in the back. Lets just the results weren't that great.

New Digipak concept
We also had a new concept for our album cover and poster which helped reinforce our bands and revolved around childrens toys but ones which we battered and broken. Our intial idea revolved around using a dolls head which was provided by me (Junior) but proved to be far to 'girly' which defeated the purpose of our idea. However this allowed our idea to develop to burning a vintage teddy bear but once again this failed. Purely due to the fact that this era has everything 'saftey proof' which to our dismay wasn't a good thing. We tested it on several different toys a monkey, orange bear and a normal brown bear.

Consistent failure
On Friday our intention was to attempt at filming Zenith's fire stuff again to see if it would actually work this time but obviously becuase the world likes to challenge us apprently one of his parent threw all of his equipment away. This proved to be tideous but it was an essential part of our video and caused us some serious problems. Hopefully next week things will go better.

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