Friday 16 December 2011

6th Shoot 16/12/11 (Zeniths stuff)

Finally we were able to actually film Zenith's fire dancing at Wandsworth common and we were all filled with joy not only because of the fact that it was going to be a spectacle but because of the fact that after all our initial failure it was finally happening. The entire group along with Zenith and his 'Burn unit' armed with a bucket of water and a blanket make its way toward Wandsworth Common. There wasn't really anything that was expected from him to perform other than actually light the cubes and from there we just allowed him to do his thing. Something we did want to do is get him from a variety of different angles in order to create more of a stylistic effect. This resulted in some varying shots which consisted of close ups as well as distorted shots. Below are a variety of practice shots and images that can once again depict our gradual progression throughout the shoot.

Here is some footage taken from when filming the his fire stuff:

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