Friday 27 January 2012

23/01/2012 - 27/01/2012: Week Post

During this week it was essential that all of us finished our video as our deadline had been extended for our music video, digipak and poster. Our final audience feedback was due on Monday but due to all of us not had finished so our deadline was extended. During this entire week we were all present but Junior was absent on Thursday as he had his last exam. We wanted to insure that by the end of this week we had finished the main body of thee video and all the little changes were added the following Monday.

Pre-final Audience feedback
On Monday we received audience feedback which consisted of both positive and negative comments all of which varied. The primary concern of all our peers and teachers was that obviously the video wasn't finished but that it seemed like our conceptual video wasn't going to get filled. It was necessary that we filmed something that remained consistent within the video but still visually interesting. This was the point at which we decided to watch some of Pendulum's videos and watched 'Witchcraft'. From watching it we decided to incorporate elements of performance but it was also necessary that we worked on the criticism from the feedback.

8th shoot
We used a friend called Sam Mitchell to be our guitarist and would be the prime focus of our performance based scenes that we wanted to incorporate. We filmed him in a small dingy room and removed all forms of light and used a smaller controllable light source in order to keep up the flashing effect used consistently throughout our video. The details of this shoot are already blogged.

After Effects
At this point Scott began to use the Adobe After Effects in order to try and add the text as well find some other potential effects that could be incorporated at certain point within the video. We tried a variety of different effects that could essentially be applied ranging from a 'Blob', 'Poly pixilation' etc. When it came to the actual text we had insure that the font suited the style that remained consist in order to retain the sense of continuity. In addition we wanted to try and potentially attempt to keep the themes from both of our ancillary tasks consistent to try and potentially represent them within our actually video. However due to technological difficulties this proved to be harder than expected and we weren't capable of incorporating this within the video.

9th shoot
This shoot was based around using the Mission Impossible App and we experimeted with various effects that were able to reinforce the dramatic scale of our initial ideas and potentially add a consistent thread that would be found within the music video.

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