Wednesday 25 January 2012

7th Shoot (Sam's performance)

During this shoot we were required to film some guitar performance in a small dingy room that was total pitch black. Whilst we wanted to incorporate some performance elements we wanted to still make it visually interesting for the audience. We used an iPhone to act as our small controlled flashing light source in order to maintain the consistent theme of flashing throughout the video. In addition we felt that performance would play a vital role and we wanted to stick the generic stereotypes of what a performer within this genre would dress and look like. We got a guitar from our friend Melissa Tehrani who is also playing a role within our video and it was an electric one. We tried to get him playing the guitar from a variety of different angles varying from high angles, low angles, close ups, canted shots etc. This therefore insured that it creates a variation of shots in order to present the our guitarist in a stylistic manner. Below are pictures depicting our progression throughout the shoot:

Here is some video footage that was taken during the shoot and was indeed incorporated within our video:

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