Wednesday 25 January 2012

8th Shoot (FX Mission Impossible App)

This shoot wasn't exactly planned because of the fact that we felt that our initial idea which seemed really dramatic and aggressive is something we felt that we should go back to. Therefore we felt that as we were doing a conceptual video it needed that extra push in order to really present our themes through a plethora of different motifs. We tried looking at attempting our building destruction idea but due to the lack of Cinema 4D it didn't prove to be possible. Therefore in order expand our use of technology Scott had this 'FX Mission Impossible' App which was capable of generating various destructive back drops scenes varying from boulders, flying cars, missiles, crashing helicopters etc. We thought that it would prove to be a brilliant idea as it not only acted as a motif for our themes but portrayed them on a far more epic scale. Below are a variety of different practice takes using some of various backdrops ranging from missiles, car crashes and some boulders.

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