Monday 23 January 2012

Pre-final Audience Feedback

On Monday we had a group feedback sessions for what we had  edited so far and unfortunately at this point we hadn't yet finished our actual video which proved to be highly detrimental to our feedback as it mainly consisted of us not finishing it. However our feedback varied from both the good and bad. In addition

Positive feedback:
- Edited to the pace of the video
- Great use of lighting to create professional look
- Retains audience interest due to the varying use of props e.g. glitter, drums, lights
- Good representation of intended themes through motifs, such as the fire representing the anger and passion
- Beginning to work its way towards being a very good example of a conceptual video

Negative feedback:
- Sloppy footage that doesn't keep theme consistent
- Certain clips were to long
- Actually finish the editing the rest of the song
- Film some more footage that would prove to be the main basis of the entire video that could potential give the video more depth
- Attempt to get some small pieces of performance in there to give it repeatability
- Attempt to link the scenes together in more of a stylistic manner in order to try and incorporate those conceptual conventions
- Fix the random walking scenes with the character wearing a white shirt as it seems far to out of place
- Genre isn't yet immediately identifiable to the audience and tends to be more of a guess rather

Improvements we intend on making:
- Actually finish the entire video
- Attempt to film some more performance elements in order to try and avoid it being far to boring
- Reduce certain clips by adding relevant clips between them in order to cut them down without moving the overall structure
- Create a more conceptual effect by adding some bright vibrant bloc-like text just like that present in Kanye West's 'All of the lights' music video
- Rearrange certain clip, as the events taking place don't seem to actually fit the pace of music at those points
- Encouraging this idea of performance by having some lip syncing present with female character

Overall we seem to have more negatives and the main one seemed to be that it not being finished hindered the entire project and therefore our main aim is to finish absolutely everything. This may include refilming, adding any essential effects in Adobe after Effects etc.

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